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Psychological diagnostic studies

For adults:

Emotional and Psychological Assessment (examining the level of anxiety and depression) Duration: 1 hour 70 Eur
IQ Assessement
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: 2 – 3 hours 150 Eur
Personality Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 hours 100 Eur
Cognitive Evaluation
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1 hour 80 Eur
Personality and Cognitive Assessement
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5-2 hours 120 Eur
Psychoemotional, Cognitive and Personality Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 – 2.5 hours 150 Eur
Comprehensive Cognitive and Dementia Assessment (Blessed Demensia Rating Scale and MMSE)
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 30 min 50 Eur
Memory and Attention Evaluation
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1 hour 70 Eur
ADHD Evaluation for Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~1.5 hours 100 Eur
Autism Spectrum Traits Evaluation in Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~1.5 hours 100 Eur
Evaluation of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Traits
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
ADHD and Psychoemotional Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 – 2 hours 130 Eur
ADHD and Cognitive Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 – 2 hours 130 Eur
Assessment of ADHD with Focus on Memory and Attention
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
ADHD and Personality Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
Personality and Autism Spectrum Traits Evaluation in Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
Personality and Psychoemotional Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
Autism Spectrum Traits and Psychoemotional Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 130 Eur
ADHD, Personality and Autism Spectrum Traits Evaluation in Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 hours 150 Eur
Integrated ADHD and Psychosocial Assessment in Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~2 – 2,5 hours 150 Eur
Integrated Assessment of ADHD, Autism Spectrum Traits, Psychoemotional Status, and Personality in Adults
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required. Can be done in two parts.
Duration: ~ 2.5 – 3 hours 170 Eur

For other tests, please get in touch with us by phone or e-mail.

*The prices shown are an estimate. The study’s time is estimated based on medium-paced client work. If the work is being done slowly, more time is allotted. For extra testing time, the hourly charge is 60 EUR.

For children and teenagers:

Child Intelligence Test Duration: ~ 1.5 – 2 hours 120 Eur
DISC Assessment for Children Duration: ~ 2 hours 120 Eur
Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment Duration: ~ 1 – 1.5 hours 90 Eur
Childhood Autism Spectrum Assessment using CARS
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 45 min. 60 Eur
Personality Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 hours 85 Eur
Cognitive Evaluation
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 hours 80 Eur
Personality and Cognitive Assessement
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 1.5 – 2 hours 120 Eur
ADHD Evaluation for Teenagers
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~1.5 hours 110 Eur
Psychoemotional, Cognitive and Personality Assessment
A doctor-psychiatrist’s referral is required.
Duration: ~ 2 – 2.5 hours 150 Eur

For other tests, please get in touch with us by phone or e-mail.

*The prices shown are an estimate. The study’s time is estimated based on medium-paced client work. If the work is being done slowly, more time is allotted. For extra testing time, the hourly charge is 60 EUR.

Within medical psychology, psychological diagnostics is the area that focuses on an individual’s mental characteristics. It is necessary to provide an accurate diagnosis, suggest the best course of action, and provide the patient with all-encompassing support. When it comes to mental health, many symptoms are shared by a variety of conditions. Using suitable psychological research methodologies can assist the medical experts treating the patient in developing the most effective treatment plan or in modifying it by recommending extra medication and therapy sessions. Only licensed medical psychologists with a current medical psychology stamp and license may do psychological diagnostic testing.

How psychological diagnostic examinations are performed?

Psychological diagnostic exams are typically performed when a consulting psychiatrist feels that a more thorough assessment of the patient’s mental state—their personality, thought process, emotional state, or other factors—is necessary. The goal of the assessment is to plan treatment based on the findings, offering the most precise recommendations for continued care.

If the patient wants a more thorough investigation of the problems they are concerned about, some psychological tests may also be performed. It is advised that after self-registering for an assessment, the patient’s treating psychiatrist or the examining expert discuss the examination’s findings during a follow-up visit. In this manner, the patient receives feedback from an experienced expert and is spared self-analysis, where a mistaken interpretation of the information might have a negative impact on the patient’s health.

At the “Lotus Medica” clinic, certain diagnostic tests (such as the assessment of ADHD) can only be performed with a physician’s recommendation. After that, the patient must schedule a first or follow-up session with a psychiatrist to go over the significance of the examination, its nature, and other crucial matters pertaining to the patient’s health.

Most psychological tests include verbal or practical tasks. In addition to filling out a unique questionnaire, the patient and the psychologist must have a conversation in which the patient is questioned about their daily lives, feelings, childhood experiences, and other subjects that are significant to understanding the findings. Depending on the type of test, the length of the psychological diagnostic evaluation might range from one to two and a half hours. Alternatively, if more time is needed, multiple sessions on separate days might be scheduled for a longer-term examination that demands an especially high degree of focus. To further organize the findings of certain tests, the specialist also drafts a questionnaire intended to elicit feedback from the patient’s relatives.

The psychologists at the “Lotus Medica” clinic typically prepare the exam results in less than a week. Patients should independently register for a follow-up session with their psychiatrist to discuss the results. To maximize the effectiveness of the test and the assessment of the patient’s condition, we advise performing psychological diagnostic evaluations in-person rather than virtually.

Psychological assessments: what are they?

Exams for psychodiagnostics comprise assessments of an individual’s emotional condition, personality characteristics, memory, focus, behaviour, and thought processes. For people who are 18 years of age and older, the following primary psychological exams are performed at the “Lotus Medica” clinic:

  • psychoemotional state examination (assessment of anxiety and depression levels);
  • personality test (assessment of people’s psychological qualities, such as their character, behaviour, attitudes, factors causing tension, stress or other emotional distress, personal strengths and weaknesses);
  • intelligence (IQ) assessment (assessment of people’s abilities, strengths and difficulties, personality traits);
  • thinking examination (assessment of people’s thinking process, its characteristics, efficiency, reasoning and generalisation skills);
  • advanced personality, psychoemotional state and thinking examination;
  • cognitive function assessment (assessment of memory types, concentration skills, analysis of information processing, memorisation);
  • short cognitive function assessment (MMSE, Blessed Dementia Scales that assess people’s mental state, i.e., for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease);
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) examination with additional assessment of autism/personality/emotional state (with the referral of a psychiatrist, the diagnostic questionnaire is administered to adult patients aged 18 and over).

Psychological examinations at “Lotus Medica” clinic carried out for children and teenagers:

  • psychological examination using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC-III);
  • psychoemotional state examination;
  • Child Autism Spectrum Disorder examination (CARS);
  • personality and thinking examinations.

During the assessment, psychologist compares the findings with the defined norms and, if there are any deviations, assesses how significant they are for the person’s mental state and symptoms for which help has been requested in the first place.

Where should one turn for a psychological examination?

It is usually advised to have a conversation with the patient’s consultant psychiatrist regarding the value and necessity of psychological testing. Psychiatrists can determine if an examination is necessary and, in light of each patient’s unique circumstances, which kind of examination is best.

The “Lotus Medica” clinic provides skilled psychodiagnostics by licensed psychologists. Please check this link for further details regarding the examinations, costs, and length of stay, or send an email to info@lotusmedica.lt or call +370 696 59955.

Contact us

Statybininkų g. 16, LT-50120 Kaunas

Tel. +370 696 59955

E-mail: info@lotusmedica.lt

Opening hours

   I – V 9:00-19:00

VI 10:00-14:00 (every Saturday)

VII Closed