Home » Gydytojai psichiatrai » Aivija Pečkutė

Aivija Pečkutė


I think that each of us possesses the answers to the most significant questions about life and the soul. I always approach mental illnesses through the lens of the psychosocial paradigm, and I think it makes sense to investigate the conditions and potential causes of mental decline. In my line of work, I witness firsthand the transformative power of an authentic and direct doctor-patient interaction. As a result, I try to build a relationship of mutual trust with the patient throughout my job. We can only identify the best, individually tailored solution by cooperating. In my view, addressing negative aspects of the social environment and receiving psychological and psychotherapy help are equally as crucial to the healing process as drugs.

I work at a psychiatric day hospital, where I witness firsthand the value of comprehensive treatment plans and ongoing care for people suffering from mental illnesses. Working at the Acute Mental Disorders Unit of the Aleksotas Sector of the LSMU KL during my residency gave me invaluable experience in realizing that seeking professional assistance as soon as possible is the first step toward reversing sickness.

I completed my internship in various psychiatric facilities in Lithuania during my residency, including the Psychiatric Department of VULSK during my medical studies, as well as the Psychiatric Branch of Klaipėda Republican Hospital, Palanga Clinic of LSMU NI, Šiauliai Republican Hospital Psychiatric Clinic, Psychiatric Clinic of LSMU KL, KMP Šilainių PSC, and Kaunas Department of VTPT.


2018-06 – Master’s degree of Medicine and Medical qualification, VU Faculty of Medicine

2018-08 – 2022-07 Residency in Psychiatry, LSMU MA Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry

From 2020-09 – Postgraduate studies in Analytical Psychotherapy according to Jung, Phase I. Started the course of initial psychotherapeutic skills training, Lithuanian Association of Analytical Psychology

Consults in the following languages


Initial session with a doctor-psychiatrist
Duration: 45 min
100 Eur
Subsequent session with a doctor-psychiatrist
Duration: 30 min
55 Eur
Family member/s consultation (clinic or online):
Duration: 45 min
100 Eur

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E-mail: info@lotusmedica.lt

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   I – V 9:00-19:00

VI 10:00-14:00 (every Saturday)

VII Closed