Home » Socialiniai darbuotojai » Darius Rauktys

Darius Rauktys

Social Worker

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I consult children, teenagers, their parents, and adults who have encountered delinquent behaviour, harmful use of drugs and alcohol, or problems caused by gambling and computer games.


in 2012 – acquired the qualification of a social worker

Since 2012 – work at the Republican Centre for Addictive Diseases, in Kaunas branch. Specialization – psychosocial rehabilitation of children and youth, psychosocial rehabilitation of adults.

Consults in the following languages


Consultation with a social worker
Duration: 60 min
60 Eur
Family member(s) consultation with a social worker
Duration: 60 min
60 Eur

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Contact us

Statybininkų g. 16, LT-50120 Kaunas

Tel. +370 696 59955

E-mail: info@lotusmedica.lt

Opening hours

   I – V 9:00-19:00

VI 10:00-14:00 (every Saturday)

VII Closed